Carton Box (Corrugated)
Carton boxes collected by Lee Cycle Resources from the industries are usually corrugated fiber-board sometimes known as corrugated board or corrugated cardboard. This is usually a combined paper-based material consisting of a fluted corrugated medium and one or two flat liner boards.
There are 8 different sizes to choose from:
Reusable carton boxes are especially useful for home movers as the corrugated cardboard is strong enough to store heavier items such as books, vases, crockery and kitchen utensils, electronic equipment and of course lighter items such as clothing and other home fabrics. With proper use of bubble wrap plastics, carton boxes can also be used to pack in expensive and fragile items like porcelain and crystal wares thus preventing breakage.
We now offer at $2.50 per carton box if you buy 1 or 100. Please drop an order email to